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Ethereum 🔗​

It is a technology that supports decentralized applications with communities.

Crowdfunding 🔗​

It is a procedure that contain gathering money from people to finance the project or enterprise. At first, in blockchain ecosystem there were funding methods which called ICO. Then, alternatively it gained popularity over a method called IEO. With the starting of Defi ecosystem, over the non-central markets it was found a new solution called IDO. And there is a method, that over the applications to platform, owner of the platform can evaluate and finance with the users, called launchpad.

Soulbound 🔗​

Base on the interection between characters of the Warcraft which is created by the owner of Ethereum it was brought up. As from the tokens are exported, through having a integrity with the money owners it has a goal to subject them. Soul band tokens in Yotta21; used in order to identify the platform users over blockchain and ensure a supervision on DAO.

Elinor Ostrom 🔗​

She is the first Nobel price winner woman through publishing studies about the common properties. Because, by nature of non-central properties are accepted as a common properties, the Elinor Ostrom's principles are crucial.

Nakamoto Effect 🔗​

It is an effect of make or destroy which is created by the founder of bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto. Non-central platforms can be sustainable through society not through CEOs. That's why instead of individuals, society should be at the forefront

DeFi/Decentralized Finance 🔗​

It defines financial services where the central points are reduced or absent on the blockchain transactions are arried out using smart contracts.

Decentralized Meritokrasi 🔗​

In decentralized governance organizations, it is a independent governance model where individuals can make independent decisions for the implementation of decisions based on merit. Although it is possible to make token-based choices with management in current DAO model, decisions are made by the core team instead of the community due to core team independece doen't occur.

When smart contracts cannot call their own functions without triggering, they can only be called by another account or contract. The model that enables automatic paging using Chainlink nodes is Chainlink Keeper.

OpenZeppelin 🔗​

It is a company that works to improve standards for secure blockchain applications and provides security products.


It is a protocol and peer-to-peer network developed for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.

On-chain Governance 🔗​

It is the creation and management of organizational culture and coordination of rules on the blockchain.

Etherscan 🔗​

It is a blockchain explorer that allows you to view public data for transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, smart contracts, addresses and more.

NFT/ERC-721 🔗​

It is a token standard created with the Erc-721 standards, which stores the data in the URI content in IPFS and whose ownership can be changed as indivisible.

Snapshot 🔗​

It is a platform that provides governance without writing data to the blockchain, which is connected with Web3 wallets. Communities perform temperature analysis using snapshots prior to DAO voting that will trigger actions on the blockchain. Generally, communities that vote outside the blockchain vote with token holders via snapshot, and then the core team implements this voting result on the blockchain.

SCW 🔗​

It offers vulnerability classification and test scenarios in smart contracts. They focus on vulnerabilities identified in the ecosystem.

Slither 🔗​

It is Solidity static analysis framework written in Python language. It allows developers to find vulnerabilities, improve code understanding, and quickly prototype custom analytics.

Solidity Visual Developer 🔗​

It is an extension of the Visual Studio Code editor. It is a tool for writing safer code and gaining a better understanding of the complexity of contract systems.